Consider the problem of computing the net price of a specific Book item, taking into account the shop discount and any governmental taxes such as a value added tax. 在考虑计算特定Book条目净值的问题时,请考虑商店的折扣和政府的税金(例如增值税)。
The dashboard can perform a detailed ROI, payback or breakeven analyses using various models including Net Present Value ( NPV), Economic Value Added ( EVA) and Internal Rate of Return ( IRR). 仪表盘可以利用各种模型,包括净现值(NPV)、附加经济值(EVA)和内部回报率(IRR)来执行详细的ROI、偿还,或收支平衡分析。
To find the net present value ( NPV) each of the cash flows is multiplied by the appropriate discount factor. These are then added up and the initial investment deducted. 为计算净现值应将每一笔现金流量乘以适当的折现系数,然后求和并从中减掉原始投资。
Using IP VPN, enterprise can use the network more efficient and make more effort to its core goal implementation as well as pay less attention on net running and maintenance, carrier can use net recourse more efficiently and obtain value added profits. 组建IPVPN,使得企业可以较少的关注网络的运行和维护,但却能够高效的使用网络,更致力于企业核心目标的实现;同时可以让运营商可以更好的利用网络资源,获得增值收益。